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We have a podcast hosted by the founder of One Strong Southern Girl. Sometimes she does reviews and sometimes she shares her favorite workout tips and strategies. It's casual and fun.

the crunches and cosmos podcast


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We spent a year working with a team of engineers to update the classic aerobic step. Think MODERN. FUNCTIONAL. GORGEOUS. And it's finally here! Click the button below to shop for your aerobic strep.

we make the best aerobic step in the world

Aerobic Steps

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If you're a visual kind of girl then you'll love our You Tube channel where we share full program reviews, step-by-step videos of how to use some of the top services and educational tips that will fire up your motivation.

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We get asked about the inspiration for our company name all the time. If you're curious about this you can find out using the link.

why did you name your company one strong southern girl? what does it mean?

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