Beachbody Reviews

A Review of T25 Ab Intervals (you should get excited about Focus T25 because of this ab workout)

October 12, 2016

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I'm Mickie. Co-founder and CEO of One Strong Southern Girl. Our team is here for you. We want you to remember us because we helped changed your life. 


I’m not a huge fan of Focus T25 but Focus T25 Ab Intervals (one of the Alpha workouts in the series) is a really good core routine that will make you feel a little better about having bought the program.

In case you need a reminder, here’s a preview of the entire Focus T25 program:

Pay attention and you’ll hear Shaun T age-shame Derrick (one of his team members) in round five of this workout (Ab Intervals).  Not cool, Shaun T.

Here’s every detail you need to know about Alpha Ab Intervals…

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Instructor-Shaun T

Category-Strength (Abs)


Length-29 minutes

HRM-148 calories


My rating- A

Important Stuff about T25 Alpha Ab Intervals

Alpha Ab Intervals is a good reason to give the Focus T25 series a shot.

Focus T25 Alpha Ab Intervals has eight rounds of ab exercises.  There’s a nice balance of plank and supine work as well as moves on the floor and standing. 

After each exercise on the floor there’s a standing Cardio Recovery segment.

Shaun T pokes at Christina a lot in this video.  She has perfect form so pay attention to her.

Tanya is doing the modified version of the exercises.  You’ll recognize her if you’ve done any other Shaun T workout.  You don’t need to do the modified version unless you have an injury.

Remember to read to the end of this post for links to a few places you can compare prices on this video as well as tips and advice for mastering each exercise.


The warm-up has a few combination exercises that you do in a slow and smooth pattern:

Child’s Pose + Plank

Down Dog + Plank

Down Dog + Spider Lunge

Down Dog + Oblique Knee

Main Workout (The Exercises in Focus T25 Alpha Ab Intervals)

Round One

You’ll start the program on the floor.

Low Plank Hold

Side Plank Hold (left)

V Sit with Arms Down

Side Hip-Up (left)

Low Plank Pulse

Side Plank Hold (right)

V-Sit with Arms Up

Side Hip-Ups (right)

Cardio Recovery

Now you get to your feet for the cardio recovery move.

Alternating Speed Knee (slow)

Round Two (Back to Abs on the Floor)

Alternating Straight Leg Lift

Head is off the floor when you do this.  Flex your foot.

Same Arm + Same Leg (right)

Again, your head should be off the floor.  Your abs will be burning by now.

Same Arm + Same Leg (left)

Try to keep your legs straight

Both Arms + Both Legs

You saw this coming a mile away.  You can do it.  Go slow.  Don’t let your feet hit the floor.

Cardio Recovery

T Shuffle

Round Three

Scissor Leg + Heels Up

Don’t let your feet hit the floor.  I have to rest my head on the floor every now and then because my neck locks up (but my feet never hit the floor).

Same Side (right/left) + Heels Up

It’s really tough to keep those heels off the floor.

Both Sides + Heels Up

You’re sculpting your abs right now.  This is when it counts.  Try and push through the hard sections.  You can do this.

Cardio Recovery

Hop Hop Squat

I love this recovery exercise.  Who doesn’t love to hop?

Round Four

This round of ab work is done sitting up.

Alternating Heel Taps

Dual Heel Tap (slow)

Don’t slam those feet!

Dual Straight Leg Lift

Holy hell!  These are hard.  My body really hates it when I make it do this.

Alternating Single Leg V Hold (right/left)

This looks so harmless…

Cardio Recovery

Sprint Turn + Squat Center

Round Five

Alternating Heel Tap (fast)

Dual Heel Tap + 6-inch Hold

My heels really want to slam into the floor at this point, just saying.  But I want a six-pack so I don’t let them.

Alternating Single Leg V-Lift (right/left) with Arms Out

This is where Shaun T makes Derrick tell America how old he is.  Sorry, Derrick.

Cardio Recovery

Speed Knee Kick (left/right)

How the hell do they keep their legs up so high?  This is all hip-flexor for me (which means I’m not very good at it).

Round Six

This round is all done in the prone position (on your belly).

This is another set of exercises that look so easy.  They aren’t.  Shaun T will convince you that your ‘back abs’ (we all know exactly what he’s talking about here) are very important.  He’s right.  They are.


Superman with Lat Pulldown

Straight Arm Fly


Cardio Recovery

Lateral Mountain Climbers

Round Seven

This round is done in high plank.

Plank Toe Tap In + Out

Plank Feet Up + Back

Up + Back + V-Up

Plank V-Up

Cardio Recovery

Sprint + Table Top

Round Eight (last round)

Wide In + Out Ab Pyramid

Listen to Shaun T count down the reps.  The highest number in any set is 7.

Cardio Recovery

High Knee Jog

Cool Down/Stretch

Keep the video running for the 3 ½ minute cool down after the workout ends.

Now What?

I don’t love every workout in the Focus T25 series but Ab Intervals is awesome.  The exercises are unique and effective

Each segment is short so you never get bored.  Try it and see what you think.

You can find Ab Intervals in the Focus T25 series of videos by Beachbody on Amazon.

And all of the Focus T25 workouts are included in the library of workouts of a membership to Beachbody on Demand. (There’s a FREE TRIAL period for the membership.  I recommend you try it out.)

Learn more about Beachbody on Demand


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  1. Alma says:

    Enjoyed reading your article. I do agree that Focus T25 Ab Intervals is a really good core routine workout.

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