Crunches and Cosmos Podcast

6 Important Reasons Every Woman Needs a Home Workout Plan (even if they have a gym membership)

September 10, 2019

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I'm Mickie. Co-founder and CEO of One Strong Southern Girl. Our team is here for you. We want you to remember us because we helped changed your life. 


Is it time to workout at home?

Are you trying to decide if you should buy a gym membership or workout at home?

I’m going to explain to you why every woman needs a home workout plan in place even if you have a gym membership.

This topic was featured on a recent episode of the Crunches and Cosmos podcast. You can listen to the episode right here:

workout gear on a white surface with text that says 6 important reasons women need a home workout plan


It happens.

Sometimes a girl doesn’t feel like sitting in traffic anymore.

Life is so buy these days for women and moms. If you know that you have a plan B in your back pocket and aren’t going to fall off the workout wagon because you don’t feel like driving anywhere else today then it’s a big relief.


Sometimes mother nature has plans that are gonna keep you at home—maybe for days.

If you get snowed in with the kids for a week you’re gonna need a few workouts you can do at home to keep your sanity. 

Make sure you have a home workout plan ready to go for times like that.

Your life changes

I used to workout at the gym.  In my 20s and well into my 30s I went to a gym religiously.

But at some point getting to the gym didn’t fit into my life anymore. I had to force it into my schedule and I started to resent it.

Analyze your season of life. Would a home workout program fit better with your current schedule? You can always go back to the gym at anytime. It’s not going anywhere.

But it’s a really brilliant move to have a home workout plan at the ready all the time.

Challenge your why

When you workout at home you’ve really go to dig deep and flex your motivation muscles. That’s a good thing.

If you’re exercising because you love how it makes you feel physically and mentally then studies show you’re more likely to keep going.

Some people go to the gym so they can ‘check in at the gym’ on social media, or so certain people can see them there. Those aren’t good or sustainable reasons to exercise.

Exercise because it feeds your soul, not your ego.

New stuff

What’s your gym routine like? How often do you mix things up?

When I went to the gym I had 3 or 4 routines that I followed. It worked. Got the job done. And honestly, until I started exercising at home I didn’t realize how I’d gotten complacent about challenging myself physically.

But the thing was, I was really confident about which machines I knew how to use and which classes I could survive and I just kept doing them all the time. 

Why didn’t I ever change? Because there’s an audience at the gym!

I was self-conscious about looking dumb in front of other people so I never tried anything new. 

When I started exercising at home I tried styles of workouts I’d never have done at the gym (because I didn’t want to fail or look silly in front of strangers or friends). 

You need to be able to change your workouts up. Your body’s gonna respond to different exercises.  And exercise will be more fun when there’s variety. Doing the same workouts all the time gets boring. And it gets harder to focus.

When you exercise at home it’s just you and your goals. You can try all that stuff you’ve been meaning to…step routines, hiit intervals, using a barbell or exercise loop. You get the idea…it’s good.

Your home audience

It just might send an incredibly important message to the people in your life about the importance of regular exercise if they’re able to see you doing it.

Telling your family and friends that you’re going to the gym doesn’t have nearly the same impact as seeing you do a workout does.

Your kids will respect the hell out of the fact that exercise is a priority for you when they see you putting in the effort to do it.  They’ll love telling their friends ‘we can’t bother my mom right now, she’s working out’. 

Do you have any questions about creating a home workout plan? What’s holding you back? I’d love to hear from you!

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