Crunches and Cosmos Podcast

A Simple Three Step Process for Picking a New Home Workout

March 21, 2019

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I'm Mickie. Co-founder and CEO of One Strong Southern Girl. Our team is here for you. We want you to remember us because we helped changed your life. 


Today I’m sharing 4 things you might be telling yourself about why you keep doing the same workout over and over.

Then I’m giving you a way to get unstuck in your home exercise routine by giving you a 3-step process for evaluating new workouts.

There are 3 important questions you need to ask yourself about a new workout before you decide to make it a permanent part of your workout calendar.

But before all of that I’m also going to give you a cool activity to try that’s really going to shift your mindset when it comes to how you treat your exercise routine.

So, let’s get to it…

We’re starting with an activity that’s going to help your mindset.

This is fun and works so stay with me.

Think of your exercise program as your personal business.

Now name your business and incorporate it.  Let’s call it Kelly’s House of Fitness LLC.

The awesome thing about owning your own company is that you’re in charge of every detail.  You get to decide everything from your logo and company colors to the hours of operation.

Now, let’s talk about your company’s mission statement.

What’s the mission of your exercise program?

Do you want to change your body? Feel more confident? Have more energy? Get physically stronger? Think about your mission.  Write it down on a post-it note under the name of your business and put it somewhere you’ll see it every single day.

Now, guess what?  Your exercise program just became a really important part of your life.

It’s your baby.  You want it to be a success.  And how do you make your company a raving success? By working at it!!

By constantly learning and trying new things.  Because what works in your biz today might not work the same in a few years because the world is always changing and your life and physical needs are always changing. 

Ok, I think I’ve made my point.  I hope you take me up on this.

Send me your emails and tell me the name of your small biz and its mission statement.  And let me know if this helps you shift your mind a little bit about the way you think of your exercise routine.

Your exercise routine is NOT like your other daily rituals.

If you treat your workouts the same as your laundry routine and never put any thought into it then you’re going to fall flat and never get results.

So, from now on your exercise program is your brilliant company with its own goals and a mission statement and you’re going to devote the time and energy needed into making it a crazy successful booming company.

Whew, ok now on to that 3-step process for planning out your new home workouts and those 4 things you might be telling yourself that are getting you stuck in a cycle of repeating the same workout over and over.

So, we’ve all been there. We’re all guilty of doing the same home workout video a 1,000 times.  I’m not picking on anyone.  I just want to help you get unstuck if you’re in that cycle.

Because we tell ourselves there’s a reason we’re doing the same routine over and over…

See if you can relate to any of these 4 things you might be telling yourself about why you’re doing the same workout over and over…

Four no good reasons you might be doing the same workout over and over:

It used to work….we’re all guilty of repeating the same thing if it used to work…even if it was a decade ago.

Because your friend is doing it and seeing results and/or raving about it

You don’t have any equipment

It’s the only workout you have

So, if you see yourself in any of those reasons then you know it’s time to invest in your company and add some new routines to your home workout program.

And here are 3 questions you need to consider when you’re evaluating new workouts so that you end up with an amazing home exercise routine that you’ll love AND that’ll give you the body you want and the energy we all need more of.

These are the 3 questions you need to ask yourself about every new workout (an individual routine OR a series of routines in one program) you try out:

Did you try it at least 5 times?

Did it challenge you? Too hard? Can you modify it? Don’t minimize what you can do. Err on the side of too difficult rather than too easy.

Was it fun!? If it’s not fun you won’t do it.  The end.

So, after you’ve considered the answers to all those questions you can decide whether you’ll stick with those workouts for a while or keep looking for something that fits you better.

Don’t be afraid to cancel an exercise on demand subscription service if you can’t find something that works for you.  Your life and this company are too important to do that.

It takes work and effort to have a successful business and a successful exercise program.

But remember that every 6-8 weeks or so you need to try something new in your exercise routine.

A new style of exercise, a new program, add a new piece of equipment…something needs to happen for you to keep seeing those gains. Have a company meeting every month and evaluate how things are going.  Don’t be afraid of change.

So, it’s time for the tip of the day…

I like my tips to be actions you can take to make your life better.  And I gave you a fun assignment earlier that’ll make a difference in your exercise program.

So, your tip for today is to envision your home exercise program as your incorporated business that you’re going to work towards making as successful as you can.  Name your company and give it a mission statement and decide today that you’re devoted to making it successful.

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