
Be a Tough Mudder Without Ever Going to a Gym

April 14, 2016

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I'm Mickie. Co-founder and CEO of One Strong Southern Girl. Our team is here for you. We want you to remember us because we helped changed your life. 


You don’t need a gym to train for a Tough Mudder! That’s right, guys! I’ve completed 2 Tough Mudders without ever stepping foot in a gym. If you’re here today then you’re interested in doing the same. This is week five of my 12-week Tough Mudder (at-home) training plan.

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Welcome to WEEK FIVE of your 12-Week Tough Mudder Training Plan!

Some reminders:

Week One Tough Mudder Training Template

Week Two Tough Mudder Training Template

Week Three Tough Mudder Training Template

Week Four Tough Mudder Training Template

Check out the Step One, Two, and Three on About my Tough Mudder Template before you start training.  You need that information to use my training plan.

Do the daily workouts in whatever order works for you.  You don’t have to do the Week 1 Workout 1, on your first day.

Just get in all 7 every week. (And you aren’t allowed to do more than one workout a day to skip 2 days).

For answers to your Tough Mudder questions read my Tough Mudder FAQ’s part One & Two.

And if you need to register for your Tough Mudder.

Remember my notes, calories burned,  and time spent for each day refer to the Option One workouts (plus that day’s run).  I list Option Two as a (completely acceptable) alternative, but I used Option One when I was training with this plan.

Reminder: Option 1 workouts are all Cathe Friedrich (plus the run that day, where applicable), and the Option 2 workouts are from various Beachbody programs.

I recommend that you get a membership to Cathe on Demand OR Beachbody on Demand while you’re training using my template (if you want to follow my exact workouts).  You can always cancel after your Tough Mudder (but you may not want to).  These articles will help you decide which membership is right for you:

Beachbody on Demand–5 Reasons to Give it a Try

How to Sign Up for Cathe Live or Cathe on Demand + Live

Stop Going to the Gym!  Workout at Home–Beachbody on Demand vs. Cathe on Demand

Let’s get started on WEEK FIVE…

Dear Fat,

Prepare to Die



the details week 5 workout 1 option

Running is hard.  I’m not (really) a fan of this form of exercise.  I hurt all over.  Things will spasm later and I’ll be mad about it.  I ran outside today, instead of on the treadmill.  The good news: 870 calories!  I plan to eat a slab of lasagna the size of my head tonight and only feel slightly guilty about it.

If this is the farthest you’ve ever run before then you’re an official Badass and WILL complete the Tough Mudder.  GO YOU!  Call someone and brag.  You have permission.

week 5 workout 2 option for my Tough Mudder Training template

Option 1 Workout- Cathe Friedrich, Body Max 2, Premix-Boot Camp

Option 2 Workout-Insanity Asylum, Game Day

Reminder-In your Cathe On Demand membership, the main Cathe Friedrich workouts can be found alphabetically under the ‘My Videos’ tab.  The Cathe Friedrich premix workouts (like above) can be found under the ‘Workout Blender’ tab.  (If you’re using an iPad then you’ll find the premix workouts in the Cathe on Demand app.)

Reminder-Every single Beachbody workout can be found in a basic Beachbody on Demand membership.

No running today.  A reason to smile.  Hell, go hug somebody.

Have you thought about inviting someone to watch you run the Tough Mudder?  They have entire routes mapped out for spectators on the course.  Invite someone that refuses to do the race to come take pictures of you.

There will be a few professional photos that you can print out later, compliments of a Tough Mudder affiliate (we found 3 of us but my face is blocked in some and my husband decided he looked fat in the other and forbid me from showing it to anyone ) but you can’t have too many.  You will want proof that you did this.  A reminder of the amazing shape you were in.  Plus, who doesn’t like to have a personal cheering section?

today is a rest day option in week 5 of your Tough Mudder training

You’ve earned this day.  You’re a Superstar training for a Tough Mudder.  Only 0.001% of adults will ever be able to say that.  (I completely made that value up but you get the idea).

Make some healthy choices in your diet today.  You’re on a roll.  You may WANT to wear a bathing suit when you’re done training for this thing.  What?! Yes, it’s true.  Trust me.

the week 5 workout 4 option for my Tough Mudder training plan, you have to run 4 miles plus do workout 1 or 2

Option 1 Workout-Cathe Friedrich, 4 Day Split Cardio & Weights, Premix: Higher Intensity Step*

Option 2 Workout-Pick any two Tough Mudder Circuits and then do P90X Back & Biceps

*I skipped the core section of the workout.  Someone was coming to fix an appliance and I wanted to shower before they showed up.  (And I was really tired and the thought of doing core today made me want to punch myself.)

You may not like to do weights but you’ll need to wake up a few extra muscles to conquer the Tough Mudder.  Getting stronger will make you a nicer person.  I made that up but it might work.

the week five workout 5 option which is another rest day

What?  Another day off?  Yes.  Don’t ask questions just enjoy it.

Your body is a complex machine.  Don’t abuse it.

Resting gives every microfiber in your body the day off to repair, revitalize, and lay the groundwork you need to be a better athlete.

Listen closely.  If today is your day off (at your job) then you may want to move your rest day to a more appropriate time during the week when you don’t have as much time for a workout.

If you already know that on Wednesday you have a dinner meeting after work where you will most likely drink an entire bottle of wine then that should be one of your rest days.  If you know that on Thursday night your kids have piano, gymnastics, baseball, and theatre then make that one of your rest days.

We talked about this before, but you need to be planning your workouts a week at a time.

Don’t sabotage yourself and end up whining that you didn’t have time to work out.  WE. ARE. ALL. BUSY.  I have 5 kids.  Shut up.  Devote as much time to making a workout schedule as you do to figuring out how to record all your TV shows or drinking that bottle of wine.  Seriously?  Back away from the wine.

the details of the week 5 workout 6 option in my Tough Mudder training plan

Option 1 Workout-Cathe Friedrich, Afterburn-Low Impact Series

Option 2 Workout-P90X2 PAP Upper

I struggled through today’s workout. Some days are harder than others.

My limbs felt like they were made of lead and then strapped with weights.  It sucked.  But I didn’t quit.  You’re not allowed to quit, either.  (Unless you have a medical condition, of course, in which case I hope you responsibly consulted your medical provider way back before we even met.)

the week 5 workout 7 option for my Tough Mudder training template

Option 1 Workout-Cathe Friedrich, HiiT Workout, Premix-30/30*

Option 2 Workout-Insanity Max:30 Sweat Intervals

*This is a fun, short workout (Hiit 30/30).  Short does not mean easy, though.  Eventually try all of the premixes on this video (High Intensity Interval Training).

You won’t need a lot of equipment (only an exercise step) and the choreography is basic. As usual, don’t send me an email and tell me that the video is ‘vintage’.  I am aware.  It’s still relevant.  Quit looking for excuses not to exercise.  It’s annoying.

If you don’t like the workouts I do then you always have the option of substituting them with the workout of your choosing.  I do recommend that you preview what I select and make note as to whether it’s just cardio or cardio and weights. There IS a method to my madness.

I’m building up your muscular and cardio endurance together through this process.  You’ll regret it if you only do cardio for 12 weeks.  You need muscles to do the Tough Mudder.  Plus, muscles are sexy.  Who doesn’t want to be sexy?

in week five you'll run a total of 18 miles in my Tough Mudder Training Plan

You’re almost halfway through your 12-week training plan!  You’re incredible!  Keep it Up!!

Start thinking about what you’re going to wear on race day.  It matters!

See you for Week Six!


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