
The Best Way to Train for Your Tough Mudder

May 4, 2016

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I'm Mickie. Co-founder and CEO of One Strong Southern Girl. Our team is here for you. We want you to remember us because we helped changed your life. 


This is WEEK SIX of your 12-Week Tough Mudder Training Template

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Your reminders:

Week One Tough Mudder Training Template

Week Two Tough Mudder Training Template

Week Three Tough Mudder Training Template

Week Four Tough Mudder Training Template

Week Five Tough Mudder Training Template

Check out the Step One, Two, and Three on About my Tough Mudder Template before you start training.  You need that information to use my training plan.

Do the daily workouts in whatever order works for you.  You don’t have to do the Week 1 Workout 1, on your first day.

Just get in all 7 every week. (And you aren’t allowed to do more than one workout a day to skip 2 days).

For answers to your Tough Mudder questions read my Tough Mudder FAQ’s part One & Two.

If you still need to register for your Tough Mudder race.

Remember my notes, calories burned,  and time spent for each day refer to the Option One workouts (plus that day’s run).  I list Option Two as a (completely acceptable) alternative, but I used Option One when I was training with this plan.

Reminder: Option 1 workouts are all Cathe Friedrich (plus the run that day, where applicable), and the Option 2 workouts are from various Beachbody programs.

If you don’t own every Cathe Friedrich workout video (who does?) then you can access all of them while you’re training by signing up for a membership to Cathe on Demand + Live.  

If you prefer Beachbody programs, then sign up for Beachbody on Demand and you can use those workouts while you’re training.

These articles will help you decide which On-Demand service will fit you best:

How to Sign Up for Cathe Live or Cathe on Demand

Beachbody on Demand–Five Reasons to Give it a Try

Stop Going to the Gym!  Beachbody on Demand vs. Cathe on Demand

Now on to WEEK SIX…

No matter how slow you go, you’re still lapping everybody on the couch.

run 9 miles for one of your workouts in week 6

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to stretch after your run today.  Make sure you (re)hydrate properly. 

We all know alcohol, soda, and coffee are not your friends today so put them down.  You may eat an entire trough of pasta, though.  I’m kidding.  But, seriously, eat some carbs, you need them.  Personally, I plan to eat bread and watch Inkmaster until I pass out.

You might notice next week that I run 10 miles in roughly the same amount of time I ran 9 this week.  As I mentioned before, I’m not a (very talented) runner.

When I’m training for a Tough Mudder my goal is to get in the miles every week (regardless of my pace).  (When I’m training for a half-marathon I have a different goal because I’m usually trying to beat my time from a previous race.) 

Remember no one is timing you on the Tough Mudder.  You just need to finish.  I love that.

run 3 miles plus do option 1 or 2 workout for week 6 workout 2 option

Option 1 Workout-Cathe Friedrich, XTrain SuperCuts*

Option 2 Workout-P90X3 Incinerator

*Xtrain Super Cuts is easy choreography and an awesome fast-paced strength training workout.  The speed allows you to get a cardio benefit as well.  You WILL need some equipment.  I know, you hate me right now.  This video is fun.  You will be sore tomorrow.  Hunker down and just Go For It.

I always run BEFORE I do any additional workout.  It’s how I’ve always done it.  There are no rules about this.

You can go crazy and do the run at the end of your workout.

But ALWAYS warm up.  I always walk a few minutes before I run and I NEVER skip the warm-up, cool down or stretch on a video or when I’m at the gym.  Those are vital pieces of your workout to help you avoid injury.  Don’t be dumb and skip the stretch.  You’ll only be hurting yourself (maybe literally).

Reminder-In your Cathe On Demand subscription, the main Cathe Friedrich workouts can be found alphabetically under the ‘My Videos’ tab.  The Cathe Friedrich premix workouts can be found under the ‘Workout Blender’ tab.

Reminder-Every single Beachbody workout can be found in a Beachbody on Demand membership.

it's a rest day option for week 6 workout 3

Finding a rest day on my calendar feels like winning $50 on a scratch-off, or going to a restaurant and finding out the special that day is Chicken and Dumplings (love). 

It’s a special kind of goodness.  I know you love me today.  I love you, too.  (*music plays softly*)

Enjoy your day off.  Read a book.  Cook a healthy meal.  Have a conversation with a teenager (using no technology).  Life is a challenge.

the week 6 workout 4 option that includes a 3 mile run + option 1 or 2 workout

Option 1 Workout-Cathe Friedrich, Online Streaming LIVE Workout, Metabolic Circuit Blast

Option 2 Workout-Turbo Fire, Fire 30 Class

*In case you haven’t figured it out by now, I don’t pause my HRM between the time it takes me to get off the treadmill, get a drink, possibly go to the bathroom, get out equipment (if necessary), yell at any children that need to be redirected and turn on the video.

I originally planned to pause my heart rate monitor to get a more accurate time/calorie burn for you (I will in my next TM Training Plan, I promise) but realized after the 100th time of hitting the wrong buttons on my HRM (and throwing said HRM across the room) that that was a bad idea.

Ok, in an honest effort to Keep It Real I have to admit that my hamstrings were SO SORE today.  Stupid rest day can backfire on you sometimes.  Everything from my ass to the back of my knees locked up like a compound bowstring.  I stretched before getting on the treadmill and again before the video.

I feel very old on days like this.  It sucks.  Be strong.  Don’t quit.  I may eat an Oreo later.

Reminder-All of the Cathe Friedrich LIVE workouts are listed alphabetically under the ‘My Videos’ tab in your Cathe On Demand subscription and chronologically under the ‘Cathe Live’ tab.

the week 6 workout 5 option is just the option 1 or 2 workout, no run

Option 1 Workout-Cathe Friedrich, Greatest Hits Vol. 1 Step, Premix- Circuit & Intervals*

Option 2 Workout-Insanity The Asylum, Speed & Agility

*Greatest Hits Vol. 1 is a mix of several step workouts.  There’s some advanced choreography here.  You could replace this workout with another cardio-focused workout of your choice (that’s roughly the same length).

I DO recommend that you do a workout with intervals in it (rather than just running).  It’s a different type of training and builds up your endurance for the bursts of energy you’ll need to do the obstacles on the Tough Mudder.  I promise there’s a reason behind my video selections.

Remember Daniel-son and his wax-on, wax-off lessons with Mr. Miyagi?  It all came together in the end. 

Be patient, friends.  I’m making you a total badass. It’s a process.

no run today for your option 6 workout in week 6, just do option 1 or 2

Option 1 Workout-Cathe Friedrich, 4-Day-Split Cardio & Weights, Premix- Boot Camp Circuit Upper Body

Option 2 Workout-P90X3 Eccentric Upper + Insanity Max30: Sweat Intervals

Yes, you’ll be lifting weights today. I always make myself use the weight Cathe is using in the video.  Sometimes that’s a bad idea, but that’s how I push myself.  I DO NOT SACRIFICE FORM, though.

Don’t be the guy at the gym that swings and bounces through every rep so he/she can lift a heavier weight.  Those people are dumb.  Ignore them.  They will need back (or hernia) surgery soon.

You should feel stronger than you did when we started training.  Wearing just your bra face yourself in the mirror and flex your guns. 

Look at you! 

You WILL run a Tough Mudder.  You. Are. Awesome.

the week 6 workout seven option requires a 4 miles run plus Tough Mudder circuit 1

Do the Tough Mudder Circuit before OR after your run

*What? Remember those Tough Mudder circuits I told you to print out back in week one?  Well, pull them out (or re-print them if you lost them) and do one of the circuits.

I did Circuit 1 because I’m compulsive and have a hard time doing things out of order.  But you can do whatever circuit you like.

Follow the instructions, though.  It should take you ten minutes to complete the circuit.

Stretch on your own.  Don’t be a slacker and lie on the floor and pretend to stretch.  You can drop on the floor and think about cheesecake (or chocolate, or chocolate cheesecake) AFTER you stretch properly.

the total distance you're going to run in week 6 of my Tough Mudder Training Plan, which is 19 miles


Remember to come back for week seven.

You’re half-way through your training!  You’re going to do this thing.  Start getting excited.

Book your hotel (if you haven’t already).  They sell out in the closest locations.  Trust me, you don’t want to drive an hour back to your hotel after the race covered in gritty mud before you get to a shower.

Remember to bookmark OneStrongSouthernGirl.com (or sign up to receive my posts in your Inbox) so you don’t miss anything.

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